

Every day we are literally bombed with bad news: violence, rape, robbery, murders, making it seem that this is all that is happening in the world. But in the end is there actually good news? It is not true that there is no good news, simply the media does not speak of it because they are convinced that only talking about mourning and ruins will bring an audience. And therefore those who do good, who act with honesty, working all day, do not receive honors of the press. If it continues in this way, quite soon instead it will be these people who make the news, seeing the examples, and there will be more crooks and it will become more rare to find nice people.


Change of date

To organize ourselves for Egypt, the date of departure and arrival for Desert Therapy have changed, we will leave Italy 28 March and return 5 April 2009. We remind you that for the treat of this first expedition of its type in the desert, the availability of places are limited and no more than 8 people can participate. It will be a 360 degree adventure: that will change your universe and you will live the emotions first hand and you will be the protagonist of a very special event that we will build together step after step and that will help us prepare future trips into the Egyptian desert. Each of you who inquire for me to express my opinion, and our advise is to help us to make this trip an unforgettable memory.



Thinking of the desert generates immediately memories of the emotions that this place gives you. The sound of the silence, the great sense of peace, the contact with the sand when you walk bear foot, the slow hot wind that accompanies you when you walk, are only some of the moments that just the name, “desert” brings to mind. Then there are the fantastic views: the morbid dunes, the pinnacles of white limestone between the ochre colored sand of the Egyptian Desert, the impression left from the trek as they often block the wind, the sky: cobalt blue in the day, shinning with stars at night. And the spectacular sunset and the moon rise, and the sunrise, with the sun that rises impressively to bring color to the dunes while the moon gently sets. Intense moments in which nature give you its best: it is sufficient to look around and appreciate the view that the desert gives you everyday, for whomever wants to know it.


The Crisis

The present economical situation is without a doubt difficult, however it is not necessary to live frighten from the often catastrophic predictions that the media daily throws at us.

The crisis is real and is under the eyes of everyone, but to loose and be beaten down in moments like these is pointless: we should react and not go under, this is the main rule. Each of we has the duty of reorganizing our actual style of life and becoming more essential. Certainly it is not easy for a generation that has gotten used to having a lot without difficulty, but we should know how to accept the reality and to react to it. Also in this situation the Desert itself is a great teacher: the rules that I learned during my experiences more than ever become present and important. Simplicity, essentiality, positivity, should be part of our newspaper. These values are inside of us and not outside. Whomever has the continuous need of showing material assets, is lacking security in themself. And in times like these it is important to become protagonists of our own existence and not to undergo what others decide. It certainly coast more toil, but those who will confront life with a grim expression and decide there are daily difficulties, will not be the winners.


Saturday evening Fabio and I received the Italy Mountain prize in Bergamo during the Orobie 2009 Festival Film, for our crossing in Egypt. Even if our environment was not the mountains, but rather the desert, the director wanted to reward us for having engaged in pushing our limit and doing a difficult test that cost to both of us much work and so much toil. Fabio was excited but even more so was Oriana, his wife, who naturally did not want to miss the gala evening. Even Oscar was with us, although he is still being supported by the crutches, because of the intervention of his knee a few weeks ago. As a former mountain climber he did not want to miss the showing of mountain films that were being rewarded and the numerous photographs shown to us.