There are moments in life where it is hard to understand what is happening.
Suddenly there is a lack of references, of certainties, everything is put into question by events that occur without warning.
Sometimes they are difficulties in interpersonal relationships, other times it is news about the health of loved ones, or perhaps problems at work. In each of these cases one gets the impression that the world has suddenly turned it’s back on us and we struggle to find the balance that before we took for granted. We are confused, we do not know what to say or what to do, it seems that everything we do is misunderstood, every word out of place. They are moments that we will probably all go through, the important thing is not to give up, to react and regain the confidence that allows us to take back our lives.
Let's look in the mirror and talk out loud to the person that we see reflected, reminding them that they are the center of our existence and that at all times that image, it’s dignity, the confidence built over many years must be protected. Learn to select the thoughts, to find even in negative events the strength to go forward, to protect that person, which we have before us and it deserves all the respect and consideration that it has earned throughout life. Give it a smile and look to tomorrow with optimism: something good will happen.