
Staying in shape

We should always take care of our bodies. Especially as we age, it is essential to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. As all doctors agree, exercise is also good for the mind and helps us unload tension.

It is difficult after a tiring day of work to think of engaging in athletics. Then laziness takes over. Instead we must try, remembering that bodies are wonderful machine which should be cared for and respected. Personally, I have always practiced sports and still do, with good results.

When the Faculty of Sport Science at the University of Milan carried out a series of tests before my last challenge, the doctors determined that my physical age was twenty years less than my true age compared to the normal population. Imagine that according to their studies, the average physical activity of a woman over forty is caring shopping bags! Perhaps it is worth getting out of our seat and starting to move: you risk being part of a depressing statistic!

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