

The days pass quickley and the unrest increases for all those directly and indirectly involved in the challenge, including the sponsors that supply us all of the material. We have to organize everything: the camping equipment, the communication equipment and the transmission from the desert, the apparel, the food and the supplements, the gps, medicine, mateials for the photography, sun protection products, sun glasses and a thousand other things that now have transformed my house into a warehouse of goods. Every thing must be monitored, divided and weighed, then put in the box for each participent of the expedition. From Italy we leave in five: Other than Fabio and myself there will be Oscar the doctor and cameraman, Daniele, head of the expedition and Renato, photographer and second cameraman. Remaining in Italy to cordinate the arrival of news and images will be Teresa, responsible for my official press and Max, who runs the website and handles contact with the sponsors while Lauren will translate it all to English. I am awaiting a month of a lot of work, but enthusiastically and the team is fantastic and motivated. It will be a lot of energy for everything, the motor of this fantastic challenge.

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