
Youth and Sports

Athletics are always a valid solution to propose, but with the passing of time, they have become more focused on results. Often today sports are not done as a way to vent, to feel alive and in shape, and tampering with the contest has become acceptable with the use of unnatural devices. To participate in athletics today is binding. You must pledge yourself completely to the sport. This does not encourage people to participate in sports and instead sit in the turns of the stadium (at soccer matches), where they vent by acting in an uncivilized manner, violently for soccer, without restriction or convention. It is important to understand the inherrent desire of people for personal benefit, similar to the "belief" they have towards a jersey and soccer flag- this is an "ideal" absurd, solo, and childlike, but similar to the concept of the black shirt of facism, that carried their sons into plazas, to the youth protests and that armed the hands of brigatists.
The youth have a need to believe in the same thing. Youth also have a sense of infringement, that gives them a need to do something alone, original.
The youth of today are passive when approching their life, they wait for a new situation, rather then actively taking steps to change their lifes and inhance their future. They want freedom and do not realize their limits, that all are allowed to win. They don't have the understanding that they can rise above their limitations and don't have to accept them. Every rule becomes an abuse of power and is not necessary for a true cohabitation.

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