

Included in the many tests we did during Fabio and my crossing, one in particular has provided very interesting data. Every night we tested the temperature of different places on our skin, with an specific apparatus called a corneometer. The experiment was lead by Prof. Antonino Di Pirtro, a famous dermatologist, that has wanted to study the effects on the skin during the course of our trip in the desert. Therefore, the results were surprising: at the beginning the dehydration was evident and progressive, following almost right after, there was a variation, and the skin began to heal itself almost spontaneously. Prof. Di Pietro attributes this phenomenon to our initial psychological stress, that went away when we successfully overcome many difficulties and we could see the end was near. I think, however, it confirms what I have always believed: the desert does good for you and after a few days it brings wellness to all organisms, a concept confirmed in other medical tests which prove that the desert takes away the pain of other traumas. In the course of Desert Therapy we will extend this experiment with all who can participate: we are curious to see what the result will be.

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