

One evening around the campfire in the desert of Morocco, one of the travel companions asked each of us what happiness is for us. The responses were different but the prevailing definition was to consider happiness as short or long moments on the path of life. It is utopian thinking to be happy for a long time, the characteristics of the term presupposes an intense emotion that can not last long. Inevitably it turns into peace, prosperity, or contentment, which are feelings we can have for a long time if we are able to handle them with care. Happiness is subjective, what makes a person happy is not guaranteed to work for another and each time the parameters can change depending on the circumstances. You can be happy for small things: a walk hand in hand, an affectionate gesture, an unexpected gift, a word spoken at the right time. You do not need big events to trigger strong emotions: many that night said that at that precise moment, in the desert, around a fire talking with friends, they felt happy. I wish for all of you to experience many moments of happiness, to feel alive and to give your lives an even greater value.

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