
The desert teaches: Self- Knowledge

Self-knowledge is essential to live balanced and with serenity, but sometimes the path is difficult, painful. Each of us is made of two entities that think and act in ways that often oppose each other. The part we know best is that which appears, which we use with others to live everyday, what makes us choose the safer road, which gives us certainty, but which often suffocates our emotions.

The second part, that we keep hidden, urges us to dare to try new ideas, invites us to explore to understand, to try unfamiliar experiences, to pursue other paths. The latter is more challenging, makes us suffer, forces us to fight, often disrupts our habits, but helps us understand who we really are and where we want to go, it makes us the protagonist in our existence.

The desert has taught me that life is precious, to be experience fully, without accepting compromises, conditions, to take with joy all that it gives us. From it I learned to listen to my heart, to follow my dreams often against everything and everyone: it made me unique. This is the great charm of life: to know who we are and live each moment with passion and love.

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